Venango County MH/ID Administrator requested the service due to the risks posed by hoarding which include severe risk of fire, emergency services (EMS, Fire Departments, police services) and being unable to have escape safe escapes for children, adults and older adults in case of emergencies; potential eviction; health hazard due to infestations (mice, rats, insects, bed bugs, etc.), biohazards (lack of amenities such as water, heat, and electric) that lead individuals to look for other sources of heat, water, and plumbing, human and animal feces, poor structure of housing conditions caused by lack of amenities, proper upkeep of housing, and hoarding that make housing structures unsafe. In presentations to Family Service and Children’s Aid Society, State Probation and Parole, Turning Point and in conversations with multiple other providers and services such as police, fire departments, hospitals, emergency medical treatment providers and school districts (where children of hoarding are unable to blend because of stigma associated with hoarding), support was unanimous regarding the need for such a service.