Regional Counseling Center Inc.
Respect Care Change
815 Grandview Road, Oil City, PA 16301
150 Prospect Ave. Suite 102 ,
Franklin, PA 16323
Intensive Outpatient Program I.O.P. 

The Intensive Outpatient Program’s mission is to work assist individuals with their own mental health goals while increasing functionality and fostering safety and stabilization. The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is trauma-informed treatment grounded in Cognitive Behavioral and Dialectical Behavioral Therapies provided through group work and augmented by individual, family, and couples sessions. IOP consumers attend two days a week for four treatment hours daily totaling eight hours of group therapy weekly. Consumers may request family or couples sessions as needed and individual sessions to better enhance recovery. IOP consumers are permitted up to ten treatment hours weekly within the program. 

The Intensive Outpatient Program’s target consumer is age 18 and above with a history of instability within the community as demonstrated by psychiatric hospitalizations, involvement with the legal system, and/or multiple treatment attempts that just have not worked. Many of IOP’s clients have a history of complex developmental trauma or many incidences of traumatic experiences in addition to a history of suicidal thoughts. Many of our clients tell us it is like they have “lost a piece” along the way and they are struggling to get it back. People with diagnoses of Borderline Personality Disorder, Bi-polar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are often found in IOP. 

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

IOP Staff

Mental Health Clinicians 
Consulting Psychiatrist

         Jaime Riddle MS, NBCC, LPC

Our Features

We offer a wide range of services to meet the need of the individuals.


We believe recovery and wellness after trauma will happen with the right treatment approach

Referral Sourses

Our consumers range greatly in age, from 18 at the youngest to 71 as our eldest consumer this year. This vast range in age allows for sharing of perspectives, insights, and knowledge amongst IOP members, increasing the communication between age groups and fostering empathy among populations which rarely meld in day to day life, thusly growing the individual’s ability and confidence to communicate wants and needs via enactments within the group setting. 

Individual and Team Focus

 Up to 10 hours a week are provided in various modalities through the Intensive Outpatient Program. Consumers in IOP attend group twice weekly

Who Qualifies

Outpatient Program targets populations at risk for incarceration, hospitalization, and suicide; our objective is always to assess safety and assist in stabilization within the community if at all possible
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